An update on Redoxa.

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Wow! I have excellent news for you. Redoxa is alive, and he is recovering from his illness. He wants you all to know that he has seen your well wishes on this site and that has meant the world to him. Your love for his work always inspired him, and your positive energy is very warmly received.

I know you’ll have questions, and I’ll try to answer as many as I can. When doctors gave him a bleak prognosis, he cut communication with everyone online to spend that uncertain period with his family. But thankfully, he made it through those dark times. After that, he didn’t reach out because he wanted to focus on recovery. Now that he’s feeling well enough, he reached out to me several days ago. We’ve been joyfully catching up, and discussing what our future collaboration might look like.

Redoxa is still recovering. We would like to work together again, but it won’t be like before. We’re thinking about working on only one story for now at a slower pace than he used to go. He also wants people to know that he doesn’t plan to start his solo work again. His erotica work would only be in collaboration with my stories.

Please join me in welcoming Redoxa back! With any luck, we’ll have more updates about the scope of our work together soon. I hope you’re all as happy about this news as I am.     

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This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. bosterito1959

    I was very sad when we thought Redoxa wouldn’t make it, but this is a wonderful turn of events! I love the fact that he is recovering and doing well. As long as he feels like working again, let him do it! I think that we welcome him whole-heartedly.

  2. rtr9209

    Great News!! Best wishes on your recovery, Redoxa! Love your work but please take care of yourself first.

  3. Jerrythemouse

    Amazing news hope to see more of your work ur illustrations are great. I wish you good health.

  4. Divway

    So good to hear that Redoxa is making a is recovering from his illness. All I can say is, like you also said Rawls, is take your time Redoxa and get back to a healthy place. Your family will be very happy that you are better. As are we. Look forward to seeing your new creations in conjunction with Rawls magnificent stories. All the best Redoxa

    Regards Divway

  5. luckydave

    This is amazing news! I’m so incredibly happy to hear that Redoxa has been successfully recovering. I hope that the future is more inspiring and exciting for their life and I’m thrilled that they’ll be able to produce more beautiful art with you

  6. ReadRawls69

    Great news! Looking forward to future collaborations.

  7. retro

    Great news. Health is the most important thing.

  8. JTass

    Great news. So glad to hear that you came through your ordeal OK.

  9. Paulverty

    Fantastic news! You’re one of my favorite artists on here! I hope you have many more decades to do everything you want to achieve!

  10. Nemo1986

    Well thank God he is alive. If he wants to work on only one story he could just work on “Something in the Water” since Mothership Wilderness is now under someone else.

  11. 7Myxzptlk

    Glad you’re doing better, Redoxa. Wishing you a speedy recovery & improving health.

  12. Rawls

    Thank you all for the comments! Redoxa is reading them all and he’s very touched by your outpouring of well wishes.

    Yes, if and when he starts up, we will continue with his projects. But we’re not sure which one, or at what pace yet.

  13. dragon2age

    Great news , made my day , one of my fav artists . In my opinion he should just finish his ongoing series 1 at a time ,at his own pace , that is his legacy after all . But if he thinks that a fresh start is better for his health then that is all that matters for his fans

  14. Osiris908

    Incredible news. Why is there a question of what he’ll work on next? Just continue one of the stories that was left incomplete, right? Top of my head there’s like 3 different series he had yet to finish.

  15. CeeBee42

    Fantastic news!! So happy to hear that he’s going to be okay! And any work between the two of you is welcome!

  16. AznBoi2000

    That’s fantastic news. While Redoxa’s work is always very much appreciated, nothing compares to having one’s health to continue leaving a footprint in this world. Rest well with much deserved recovery!

  17. srv313526

    That is such great news. Redoxa is an amazing artist and I know everyone misses his magic.

  18. crazydorian

    Glad to hear you’re back and recovering, Redoxa!

  19. Jabba87

    What an awesome news! I’m glad Redoxa recovered!!! Absolutely love is work, Aztec Dynasty is by far my most favorite comics

  20. magnoth

    Very good news indeed. I look forward to seeing hs work once he is able.

    Thank you for the update Rawly.

  21. DM1485

    Holy shit, Red’s alive… that IS excellent news.

    First good news i’ve seen in a while. i’m glad he is alive, and feeling better. Even if it is only one at a time, i hope he can finish off the stories he started with you. his art really was perfect for them.


  22. StaffordR

    The way he was getting things in order was very sad at the time. Glad he made it. Hope he makes full recovery.

  23. Lobria

    Wow what amazing news. Good to have you back redoxa.

  24. Golfer30

    Wonderful news. Good luck on your continued recovery. Take it easy and don’t rush.

  25. Stone Ranger

    Welcum back Redoxa! Thanks for this update Rawly 🙂

  26. elekhi

    How wonderful! Warm welcomes back and congratulations on the recovery! No worries regarding any future work pace, staying healthy is more important. We will wait patiently ^^

  27. Thickdick

    My heart, and my dick are both happy. Many well wishes to Redoxa and his family. Must’ve been an ordeal and it’s so nice to hear their on the other side of it.

  28. Mithandriel

    Amazing news to hear that he is still around. Please tell him to properly rest up and recover before he starts any stressfull work again, health comes first.

  29. comicrelief

    Great news. Continued recovery is far more important than our missing his artistry. I personally will be happy for his works

  30. Rubicon

    Glad to hear that he’s still amongst us. Recovery is the most important, we can wait.