An update on Redoxa’s work moving forward.

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Redoxa and I wanted to update you on our plans for his work with me. First, you should know that in the last year he unfortunately lost all of his saved work. That is a difficult thing for him, because he builds many of his costumes, sets, and models from scratch. This would complicate him coming back to a more costume and set challenging story like Something in the Water or Mothership.

On the topic of Mothership, Redoxa has expressed his support for Adun continuing his version of it. I am also pleased with Adun’s work, and there will be no change on that story. There are no plans for Redoxa to work on that story again.

That leaves three Redoxa projects to continue. Because McAllister Method is easiest to get back into, and also because Redoxa loves the 80s, we decided that he would work on that story for now. As I said before, we don’t expect him to come back at his old quick pace. There should be more time in between chapters for now.

So, for now, Redoxa is rebuilding his models, sets, and costumes. Since everything will look different, we decided to reboot with chapter 1. There might also be a small amount of rewriting to update our vision for the characters.

Both Redoxa and I are excited to be working together again!

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. crazydorian

    Sorry to hear about the loss of all the 3D assets, but it’s still great to have Redoxa back and working on any Rawly project (though I am admittedly a bit biased here about McAllister Method).

  2. Holyx

    I am surprised to hear that Redoxa is back, since I thought he pass away. But, I am glad that he his ok, and he back to content creation once again. Redoxa was one of the best 3d illustrators and it good to see your working with again to create more content. I hope to see more collaboration between the both of you going forward since the lack of 3d content had been pretty noticeable while Reoxa was out.

  3. comicrelief

    The talent that created all those things lost is what I admire about his work. Even though Susy from SiTW is my favorite illustrated character, I look forward to his coming works.

  4. DM1485

    Oh man….sucks to hear about losing everything. Being from an I.T. background, all i can say is: “i know that feel, bro”.
    Kinda disappointing to hear he won’t be finishing off Mothership, but hey, it is what it is. If Adun wasn’t doing a good job, i’d actually be upset, lol.
    Looking forward to the new work on McAllister. That story has much potential.

    Again, Red, Glad you’re back and feeling better.