An update on what I will write after 3838 Walnut Street.

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I’ve received a bevy of comments asking for me to update the text to the short stories more regularly, even if the illustrations are taking a while. I’ve been thinking this over, and I’ve decided that it does make sense.

Right now, I generally wait for the illustrator to finish the previous chapter before writing the next chapter. That means once a story goes on pause, I won’t work on it at all.

Once 3838 Walnut Street ends sometime in the next few months, I’ll change my approach. I’m going to take a break from writing a main novel and instead put that time into writing two extra chapters from a short story every week. My plan would be to tackle the paused stories and to get out ahead of illustrations on the ongoing stories.

This should work out to roughly the same amount of words written per week. Of course, the style for the shorts is different than the main novels, so I don’t plan on doing this change permanently. But we’ll see how it goes.

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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Dannny

    Great stories! Whatever direction you go, I am sure it will be successful. I think I asked this once a “long” time ago, but any thought to adding to the story, I think it was called, Curse of the Shadow? It seemed like it was off to a great start then abruptly ended.

    Thank you!

    1. Rawls

      Curse of the Shadow was back when JDseal and I took commissions. The commissioner suddenly disappeared, and since it was a commission, we couldn’t continue it.

  2. Osiris908

    Ehh. I love your long drawn out stories – that’s why I’m here. If I just wanted the quick stuff I’d be elsewhere like Literotica. I usually enjoy your short stories – don’t get me wrong – but it’s not what I’m looking for from you. I see them as like a bonus. Stories that get right to the sex and are all wrapped up in a chapter or two don’t really do it for me.

    1. Lobria

      This 100 percent. However I don’t mind if you went back and forth with shorts and full stories. Either once a month or so what you did when you use to write two main stories do a few weeks main and a few weeks shorts. Or keep everything the same and don’t make new stories are done. But I implore you do not stop the main stories for these that would suck.

  3. Lobria

    Also can you explain it better. Like is it gone just be one month you do this or one month maina and one month off?

    1. Rawls

      I’m going to probably try it for a few months and see where things stand after that. I really want to finish the completely abandoned stories before starting a new main novel. It would also be nice to get ahead on a few of the other stories.

      1. Lobria

        Hey man. I understand this decision creativity it can be frustrating not having those finished. I’m curious what stories do you plan on doing? And how many chapters are you thinking about? For me I feel three to five would really help me be on board on this. But I’m not gonna lie. I don’t like this. I like your main stuff a lot. I will give this decision a shot though. I gave you shot again with this story you are writing and I fucking love it. I finally feel for the past months completely back on board with you and this site. your shorts have a different flow and some of thing I don’t like. So if I get multiple chapters a week with a story I don’t like then why should I keep being here. Unless it was done quickly and we move one. But if its not then Im probably gonna drop this site and wait till your done with your shorts. Your main stories is what I love even if can be critical. I just hope it’s really only a few months like two or three. I hope this doesn’t gone on any more then that. I’m sorry but that’s how I feel. I will still give it shot because you end up surprising me. But I just needed to let this out here.

  4. Lobria

    Kinda didn’t like this idea I mostly come here for your main stuff. However you catching up on shorts is also good on a lot of them it is frustrating. That could also help if you have a really slow story the short stories going faster could keep us occupied instead. Personally your shirts were extra so I was happy to wait no matter how long for them. But I guess some people make sense like why start a new one when you have other unfinished. I would prefer things stay the same. Perhaps a pill to gauge what people think. But if your dead set on it I’m down to give it shot. Please don’t make this permanent or make the shorts longer if you do I like your main stuff.

  5. Kabooz_Kakterius

    As much as I love the longrunning Novels, I’m also very happy to see more of the “short” stories.
    I think it’s an especially good development for problems with illustrators, because it detaches the story from the illustration somewhat. I mean it gets “updates” no matter what happens with an illustrator.

    I really hope you like the new writing structure and that it will be a positive change <3

    PS: has it ever happened that a shortstory "ran away" and became longrunning?

    1. Rawls

      Thanks for the feedback!

      Yes, The Missus Ring is now officially novel length. That is the first short story where that happened.

  6. comicrelief

    Writing with long gaps between chapters seems like it would be tough to to keep the storyline fresh in the writer’s mind. I’m not sure I could do it.

    1. Rawls

      It’s not easy. This new writing method will definitely be easier for me as I can keep myself engaged in a short story week to week.