An update on what I’m writing after 3838 Walnut Street.

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We’ve come to the end of 3838 Walnut Street. Starting next week, I will begin working on completing unfinished short stories. I plan to write two short chapters for every main chapter I would have written. That will be in addition to the one or two short chapters that I would normally write per week. So, for the foreseeable future, expect three to four written chapters a week, rather than the usual two to three. The illustrated chapter schedule won’t change at all. Let me know if you have any questions.

ORIGINAL POST: I’ve received a bevy of comments asking for me to update the text to the short stories more regularly, even if the illustrations are taking a while. I’ve been thinking this over, and I’ve decided that it does make sense.

Right now, I generally wait for the illustrator to finish the previous chapter before writing the next chapter. That means once a story goes on pause, I won’t work on it at all.

Once 3838 Walnut Street ends sometime in the next few months, I’ll change my approach. I’m going to take a break from writing a main novel and instead put that time into writing two extra chapters from a short story every week. My plan would be to tackle the paused stories and to get out ahead of illustrations on the ongoing stories.

This should work out to roughly the same amount of words written per week. Of course, the style for the shorts is different than the main novels, so I don’t plan on doing this change permanently. But we’ll see how it goes.

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