Mothership Wilderness Chapter 5 sketches are live.

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Sketches for the next chapter.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations by Adun:

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. crazydorian

    Looking great still! I’ve been really impressed with Adun’s ability to adapt these designs to his style.

  2. Lobria

    Question. Now that redoxa is back is he gonna finish this story?

    1. Rawls

      No, this one will continue with Adun. Redoxa will be limited on his return, so we’ll stick to one of the available stories.

      1. Lobria

        Couldn’t he focus on finishing this story. Take his time and stuff then finish some other of his work. I’m fine with him taking as long as he wants finishing stuff that he started.

        1. Rawls

          He will finish the stuff he started, but not this one. I’m already committed to reboot, and I’m happy with Adun’s work. Both Redoxa and I agree it wouldn’t be fair to Adun. Redoxa will work on one of the three of his other projects.

      2. comicrelief

        Will it be one of the short stories or a long one like SITW?

        1. Rawls

          We’re not sure yet. I’ll make a post about it when have something concrete to tell everyone.