The Dark Stone: Lost and Found

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This is the story of two backpacking trips that revolve around the same stone. This is a trial story for new artists on my site, so I’ll post many different illustrated versions of this story.

If you have an opinion on this project, please leave your feedback below. Your comments are especially helpful because this is a trial for new artists.

Illustrations by Eronautics:

Illustrations by LydiaLight:

Illustrations by MrPengui:

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3.9 out of 5 dark stones (based on 28 reviews)
Very good32%

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Viper6969

    The-Dark-Stone-Lost-and-Found-Eronautics use this one

    1. Rawls

      Yep, I hired Eronautics to work on A Mother Returned.

  2. 0friction

    Love Eronautics please do more work with them

  3. DM1485

    Very much digging Eronautics’ rendition…. you should keep him/her/wtfever

    The other two are pretty good too. i think they’d all work out here ok. But Eronautics is my favorite out of the 3.

  4. HeliasAlun2488

    I really like Eronautics artwork

  5. cmj15301

    Definitely like euronautics the best yet. Very hot

  6. Lobria

    I think both are OK. Though I like mrpengui was better. Though both do need more improvement. I feel overtime both can be very good. But I did like pengui.

  7. DoesNotMatter

    I quite liked Lydia’s version.

  8. crazydorian

    I like both versions in their own way.

    LydiaLight’s feels like mid-century novel illustrations, so I could see her style working well for stories set in the same time period. The under-water illustration of Emma finding the Dark Stone was particularly eye-catching.

    I really like MrPengui’s use of colour, and the cover in particular. Some of the individual illustrations are sort of off-putting to me for reasons I can’t quite put my finger on, but the darker-lit ones like Owen and Brooke by the fire, and the last few with Emma and her mother give me a very occult vibe. I could see his style working well with a reboot of Aztec Dynasty.

  9. Patcouples

    I prefer the original artist.

  10. ReadRawls69

    Because you’re asking….Pengui is ok. I see little compelling in Lydia’s illustrations. My preference aligns w/ the illustrators typically favored by the majority as polled.

  11. dmalkoff

    Honestly, I thought Lydia’s was better with the mom/son couple, while MrPengui was better with the mother/daughter pair. Still a pretty good story though!

  12. B4Lurker

    Oh the woes of trying to replace some great illustrators.
    Agree with kadreder that LydiaLight’s is kind of PG-13 to me and, I’m not sure, but seem ‘washed out’.
    MrPengui’s are more intense but not as satisfying as most of your other artist’s renderings on other stories. I think I’m kind of iffy on him because his women appear normal and not the usual great physical specimens others have drawn in their stories. Perfectly fine direction to take, but will take some getting used to if you go with him.
    Both are fine illustrators, but if you have an option, you may want to keep looking. Good luck.

  13. kadrender

    ehh. i don’t like the lack of genitals in lydia’s version. it feels a bit like softcore porn. besides that, the art was nice, easy to follow and highlighted the important parts of the story.