The McAllister Method Ch. 1 to 2

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In the 1980s, Dr. Martha McAllister pioneered a novel form of therapy for transforming troubled young men. This is the story of the Kaplan family, and how they benefited from McAllister’s groundbreaking techniques.

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Illustrations by Redoxa:

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Osiris908

    Is this gonna continue? I was so enjoying this premise and how it was playing out. Even if you just finish the story ( which I know you hate doing before there’s an artist) that would be great.

    1. Rawls

      Yes, the plan is to reboot this with Lexx when Missus Ring is finished.

  2. Planet4

    Having had a mullet in the 80s I can attest to the verisimilitude of a teen having that style and being fiercely attached to it… but I also remember the relief of cutting the damn thing off in 1990.

    I’m REALLY enjoying the build in this story. Watching the doctor work all the angles is terrific. Her machinations (and the pacing) feel plausible even without the help of a magic stone (so far as I know). So hats off again to you, Rawly, for masterful crafting the characters, dialogue, and situation!

  3. skinnysweatyman

    I think I’d prefer it if redoxa focused on mothership and something in the water before starting on this. I really like those stories and want to see them illustrated as soon as possible. Also strongly agree with Pkacua, the mullet is really dumb. Really looking at it, the character models just aren’t great here. The dad especially looks wrong, mostly in the neck. The mom is fine, but the therapist and the male protag look kinda trailer trashy. This is a rare miss for me.

    1. Rawls

      As Redoxa returns to health, he’ll be doing three chapters a month in collaboration with me. He really wanted to work on an 80s story, and I’m excited for where this one will go. We’ll also return to the Aztec story as we move forward.

  4. Pkacua

    This would be better without the mullet