The Sex Talk Chapter 1 sketches are live.

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I’m happy to announce that SeventeenSam will illustrate The Sex Talk reboot. I think his art is a perfect match for the story. Her are the sketches from the first chapter. Naomi tries to give her son “the talk” before he leaves for college. Things don’t go as she planned.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations by SeventeenSam: or

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Nisam

    How come the other talk comic is no longer on here?

    1. Rawls

      As I mentioned in a post, the series with that artist is cancelled. I removed it to unclutter.

  2. waltdee

    Well done! I’m looking forward to the final result.