3838 Walnut Street Chapter 1 sketches and preview illustrations are live.

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Here are some sketches and preview illustrations from the next illustrated chapter.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations by SatanicFruitcake: https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/satanicfruitcake

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lobria

    Oh my God is that Rose. sweet Jesus…..faint

  2. Divway

    The artwork by SatanicFruitcake: is really good. The future chapters when done should look really good. What one now expects with your fabulous and really entertaining stories Rawls.

  3. Shoddinator

    SF’s art was incredible for The Wicked Tower and I have no doubt this story will be any different. Super excited for the full chapter!