Betty is a Pushover Ch. 1 to 11

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In the 1950s, a father tells his bookish son, Rob, to find a girlfriend. Rob agrees, but doesn’t tell him that he’s planning on making his mother his girlfriend. Betty knows it’s all so very wrong, but she just can’t seem to say no to her eighteen-year-old son. Illustrations by JDseal:

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Lance

    Oldie but goodie! Woolworths gave the oldie part away. Another virile young man that’s well endowed with a women’s persuader. Moms’ smuttiest desire run amok.

  2. Slick Pillar

    What a finish. I wish it went on like the text but this is a spectacular way to finish a perfect story. This one is heavenly!

  3. ChromeDragon

    Why do I love Betty so much ?
    She is such a loveable character and a very beautiful one in the art.
    The story is so short and sweet.

  4. xpoolhalljunkie

    This series is so good… I find myself returning to it over and over again 🙂

    1. Rawls

      I feel like this series has the most distilled RawlyRawls energy of all my work.

  5. k4jbvs6ddrlirtzd

    All downloads of *.zip files fails for me. 🙁

    1. Rawls

      Are you on mobile? I think it’s a problem for mobile users. I’ll go through and replace all the zips with the actual files as soon as I have some time. I’ll start with this one today.

      1. Rawls

        Oh, hey, look at that. I found the time and replaced all the zips with actual files. I have a hard time leaving a job half finished. Everything should work fine now.

      1. Anteater

        This is just too perfect. How many children did Rob and Betty have? Aside from Crissy, I mean. I get 11 was the last but let us say they continued. How many by now?

        1. Rawls

          I leave it open to your imagination …

          1. Anteater

            So far they have made #2 while Rob’s wedding she is carrying #4 and I would not be surprised by a 5th. Yes, I read the last 3 chapters in the texts. Now, why does this end at 11 while the original texts end at 14?

          2. Anteater

            How many by now? That was more of a rhetorical question but thanks for answering any way.