Coyote’s Trick Ch. 1 to 5

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Christina Moore didn’t think much of it when a dog bit her sweet, eighteen-year-old son. But then the changes started. His behavior turned feral overnight. Is it drugs, or is it the curse of Kumokum?

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  1. Ksena

    I read “Coyote’s Trick” on Literotica a while ago.
    I don’t think the story is rubbish. I think it’s very realistic and much needed.
    Unfortunately we don’t have Coyote in Denmark, but we have Foxes – right here in my city. Everyone knows Foxes are smart and clever, so from now on I’ll just take a stroll in the city every evening.
    Some years ago I found a Fox pit in the woods and the very distinct smell have followed me ever since. So I’m sure we’ll find each other – the Fox and I.

  2. RedSarah

    I don’t WANT to get bit on the butt and become a sex goddess however if it happens, I will embrace my new life goals.

  3. spardax212

    I hope one day you may add more to this story.

    1. Rawls

      Not planned, but anything is possible.