The Sex Talk Ch. 1 to 11

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Naomi Suzuki decides to give her college-bound eighteen-year-old son “the talk”. But her explanation of the birds and the bees gets twisted around on her. Soon, she finds herself in new, compromising positions. Will she be able to escape his training? Will she want to?

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. wt859

    One of my favourites stories. Love it when the protagonists are more alpha and less timid

  2. waltdee

    This is, by far, my favorite story. I have no idea how you would’ve written a sequel unless the Dad grew some balls and evicted the two of them, and cut them off to raise a new baby on their own, but if I know you, whatever you’ve planned would be awesome.

    1. Rawls

      Thanks for the feedback! 🙂 There will be no sequel to this one.

  3. doorknob22

    I love RR’s “bastardly” protagonists more than the self doubting, hesitant ones. We need more asshole, RR! Great story.

    1. Rawls

      Don’t worry, there will be more of them in the future.

  4. civals

    It’s wonderful, I’d like to see a sequel. Is it in the plan?

    1. Rawls

      It was set up for a sequel, but I have no immediate plans for one. Someday, maybe, I’ll include the sequel in a poll and let the readers decide.