Dragon’s Blood Ch. 1 to 16

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At the age of eighteen, Remnic trades his boots to a peddler for a vial of dragon’s blood. Remnic is a thin, twiggy man and jumps at the promise of vigor and vitality. The blood, however, changes him in ways he did not expect. His mother, sister, and even the Elvin nobility are in the path of Remnic’s new dragonish attributes and desires.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback on the latest chapter below. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations by Mitzz: https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/mitzz/profile

This content is limited to (Rawly Rawls Member Plus), (Rawly Rawls member Elite), & (Rawly Rawls Member Max). To view this content please upgrade your Membership Plan.

4.6 out of 5 dark stones (based on 100 reviews)
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This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. Anteater

    The last chapter was perfect, I would not change a thing. I am guessing that Sontar is going to the same forest?

  2. randomuser1223

    The reference to the end of Dragon’s Blood was cute. Too bad the images didn’t quite match up, but still cute

  3. VoidEclipse180

    Great work! though i have to ask, Will there be a part two or continuation to this series? I am curious on what will happen to them now. but thank you for creating it all the same.

    1. Rawls

      No part two for this series is planned. Although, they are in the Mottled Forest now, where the Enchanted Scepter takes place. So, once that story resumes, we may see these characters again.

    1. Rawls

      This story isn’t over. There are a few chapters left.

      1. Anteater

        That is good. Even when I thought an ending was there, I found myself wanting more.

  4. Hawkeye

    Read the whole work in two days. Great story with beautiful artwork. Keep it going.

  5. Anteater

    I love chapter 12. Excellent, Remnic FINALLY made her his!

  6. Anteater

    Chapter 11, wonderful. As well as a new elf to his treasure trove.

  7. Imnotworthy

    I hope his mother is involved again soon, I mean that’s why I follow this story.

  8. Anteater

    Chapter 10 is interesting, I did not expect another elf.

  9. Anteater

    I love chapter 9. I hope that Remnic claims her soon.

  10. Anteater

    Wonderful! Chapter 8 was worth the wait!

    That rhyme was NOT intentional.

  11. Anteater

    Chapter 7 was good. I look forward to when he takes his mother next.

  12. Lobria

    Good stuff. I’m looking forward to the next one. I do hope that he doesn’t have to change back but I’m sure he won’t. Looking forward to the next chapter.

  13. Anteater

    I love chapter 6. It was better than the FIshing trip with Gwells. Nearing the end, Lillia and Remnic look and sound more like lovers.

  14. Anteater

    Ooh, what has Remnic gotten himself into now? Chapter 5 is great.

  15. 7Myxzptlk

    Great artwork for the story. Excellent narrative flow.

  16. Anteater

    I like Gwells I really do. The fact that he has officially claimed (or half claimed since he did not finish inside) his first woman/mate is definitely making this a good read. I think I am going to enjoy it when he claims the other 2.

  17. Anteater

    I am liking the story thus far, but I am not so sure about the language. TITS and COCK are, last I checked, slang and both feel out of place in this fantasy world. The time and place of the characters feels…medieval. Not the kind of era you would find street slang. Or any other modern slang for that matter.

    1. Rawls

      Good feedback. I was experimenting with the language in this one. Remnic also calls his mother “Mom.” I actually think tits and cock fit better than “Mom” in a fantasy setting. 🙂 I’ll think about it going forward.

  18. ChromeDragon

    I like the story for it’s fantasy who doesn’t like fantasy ? Dragons who doesn’t like dragon ? Boy was lucky it was dragon mating season that’s for sure.
    The art work is beautiful and different from the others we have seen which is fine since it lends it’s own feel.

    Good work here !

  19. Imnotworthy

    My favourite story and the artist is spot on. Excitedly waiting for each installment to see how the story progresses.

    1. Rawls

      Thank you for the feedback. I’m really happy with Mitzz’s work, too. Chapter three should be fun 🙂

      1. Anteater

        I love chapter 3, it shows how the females are obedient to Remic.

  20. Anteater

    I love this story, it is basically nature fighting nurture here. I vote Nature since it does not need justification.

  21. Spcolb10

    I’m plus as well and can’t access this content

    1. Rawls

      Yes, you are Plus for sure. I just looked you up. Can you email me and we’ll troubleshoot in the morning? rawls@rawlyrawls.com

      If you’re on mobile, sometimes the PDF doesn’t download correctly, so give it a shot on desktop.

      1. Anteater

        I always visit this site on my computer.

  22. JohnJohnaon

    I’m logged in and my membership hasn’t run out, but I can’t access this story. Also, I can access other stories on the cataloge, but this story isn’t on the illustarated cataloge

    1. Rawls

      Hello! The illustrated version of this story is only available for Tier Max and above. I am working to put a text version in the text-only catalogue right now. Expect it today. Thanks!

      1. JohnJohnaon

        Under the image of the story it says “This content is limited to (Rawly Rawls Member Plus), (Rawly Rawls member Elite), & (Rawly Rawls Member Max).” and I have a Rawly Rawls Member Plus membership. That’s what confused me. Is it an error or am I interpretting it wrong?

        1. Rawls

          I just looked you up and you have a basic membership in the system, but you signed up under the old software which was glitchy (which is why it’s gone). I’ve upgraded you to Plus. Sorry for the mistake.

        2. Imnotworthy

          Thank goodness, this is my favourite story and have been waiting impatiently for the next chapter. Fantastic artwork and story. Roll on chapter 9