The Surrogate Wife Ch. 1 to 9

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An elf mother and an orc son undertake a journey together. They are both surprised by what happens when darkness falls.

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Illustrations by Laimov:

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4.3 out of 5 dark stones (based on 60 reviews)
Very good13%

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This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. matwalk

    I have recently discovered this wonderful site. I am working my way through every story from the earlier ones to the latest. And I can honestly say I have enjoyed them all so far. All that is except this one. For some reason I didn’t take to this story at all. It was well written as always and the artwork was ok. I’m trying to put my finger on why I didn’t like it. Maybe it was the storyline I didn’t like or the character of Sontar. I don’t know. I did find myself feeling a little sorry for the husbands in this story. I would be absolutely ok if we never see these characters ever again. I realise reading the comments I’m in the minority. I would never give a story an awful rank. I can always appreciate the hard work that goes into the writing and artwork of these stories. But I cant in all honesty rank it very high either.

  2. Anteater

    Welp, chapter 9 was a satisfying ending. Great crossover with Dragon’s Blood, by the way. Although, I wanted know what the mage would tell them. I remember something about orcs being dead elves brought back. Of course, 1 species could be an offshoot of the other.

    Since this is done, would you mind telling us how Alvara’s pregnancy was possible?

    1. Anteater

      Rawls, will we ever learn why an orc could knock up an elf?

      1. Rawls

        It’s possible. We might see these characters again in Enchanted Scepter. They’re in the same forest now.

  3. Pkacua

    this just feels incomplete, I hope the story continues.

    1. Rawls

      Sorry, this story is done. The illustrator didn’t want to work on fantasy anymore. However, we did leave these characters in the Mottled Forest, so we may see them again when Enchanted Scepter starts up.

      1. FreshlySnipes

        Is there a tentative date for when the Enchanted Scepter will start back up?

        1. Rawls

          I have an artist interested in working on it, but they’re working on another project right now. So, I’m not certain if we’ll wait for the other project to complete before starting Scepter. No date set, but something is in the works.

  4. Anteater

    I am truly loving chapter 8, the pregnant Alavara was a nice addition. After I read the chapter, it occurred to me that I read somewhere that Orcs were once elves or something like that. So, if 1 species was once the other like how dogs branched from wolves. Would not that explain the crossbreeding?

    I hope that Sontar and his wife raise Alavara’s baby. Otherwise Sontar’s dad is not going to like it.

  5. Anteater

    I love chapter 7, it shows things are changing for Sontar and his mother/lover.

  6. A_wizard_did_it

    I guess I am the odd one out on this one, but there’s a lot I liked about the old art style, or maybe it’s just that the art style has evolved a little bit? (I think from chapter 4 to 5 was really changed?)

    Anyhow, one of the things I liked the most in the earlier chapters was how Alavara’s body was definitely more petite, and was more unique from the usual Jessica Rabbit-esque (that is an exaggeration, to be fair) body type in your stories thus far. It seems like her original design was completely abandoned in the new art style overtime. I think chapter 2 and 3 were the best depiction of her in that regard, and the best artistically (especially with the colors and shading, as well as something about the minute detail that seems more… sanitized…?, in later chapters), in my personal opinion!

    Other than that, I think the story is really great, and it makes me sad to see that this one is not rated as highly as others of yours like Enki’s Puzzle. My favorite out of all of these would be this one, Enki’s Puzzle, and the Enchanted Sceptor.

    Thank you and Keep up the good work!

  7. FreshlySnipes

    I really enjoy this story and it continues to improve with each new chapter. Looking forward to the next release.

  8. FreshlySnipes

    The redone chapter 1 is a big improvement. Appreciate both you and the artist handling the constructive criticism like professionals. Looking forward to future releases from you both.

  9. BradoMini

    Not sure how to feel about ch 6. He just let’s them go after being with her for centuries. No fight or chase? Seems odd

    1. Rawls

      That does seem odd, doesn’t it? ?

  10. Anteater

    I take it that the castle is the home of elf Princess Elora. From Elora’s Taste of Dark Magic.

    1. Anteater

      Well, that was enjoyable. Chapter 4 & 5 were great. Sontar’s current lover is certainly a good woman. So far at least.

  11. JoshG

    Great story and illustrations!
    I very much like that in this one Sontar’s mother is such a slender lady, therefore the contrast of their bodies is even more arousing.

    Also the scenes with his first (and more voluptuous) conquered elven wife are very hot both in graphics and description.

    It would be a nice twist if eventually husband would allow his wife Gelderel such “green exotic pleasure” given Sontar treats them both with respect.

    Another thought that is firing my imagination – a scene of Sontars encounter with a very young daughter of one of the elven wifes. She could be very buxom and make Alavara jealous at first, how comes that such a young girl is gifted so heavily. But when she realizes that for Sontar his mother is still the most desirable one, Alavara agrees and even approves and encourages his mating with the younger competitor.

  12. ChromeDragon

    Beautiful picture here, and cover picture to this latest chapter.

  13. FreshlySnipes

    I was critical of the illustrator after the few couple chapters but each subsequent chapter has been an improvement.

    1. Rawls

      I’ll make a bigger announcement about this later: Laimov and I talked today and we decided to reillustrate the first two chapters of the story before moving on to Chapter 6. The first two chapters will get ten entirely new illustrations each. The chapters will rerelease as the official new chapters for the story, and we will retire the old Chapters 1 and 2.

  14. RedSarah

    I have a feeling there will be many half orc babies in the near future. *fingers crossed*

  15. Anteater

    Hmm, first time a husband caught his wife. How interesting. Now hopefully, for Sontar’s sake, they are able to convince the elf he was dreaming.

  16. Noat

    Really enjoying this story. Each chapter has been solid, chapter one was so great. I like the characters and like the relationship between Alavara and Sontar. The story they will have and what is to come is still a mystery for me but chapter 4 does change things, it had a change of setting.

    The art is getting better with each chapter. I know Laimov has been working on his craft and has been experimenting. I have enjoyed watching him through twitter and I was excited when chapter 4 got released. I look forward to the next chapter.

  17. FreshlySnipes

    Enjoyed the story, and not intending to pile on, but the illustrations were a little wonky. It’s not the whole image but the characters(angle of view and shading in some). Sontar didn’t look like a traditional orc, more resembled Megamind if he had been green.

  18. Anteater

    Wow, chapter 3 is…wow. It looks like she is really enjoying their quality time together.

  19. Anteater

    I love this new chapter.
    Judging by what was in chapter 2, does this story share a world with Dragon’s Blood?

    1. Rawls

      Yes it does. All my fantasy stories but for TWT share the same world.

      1. Anteater

        I would like to point out that if the very-light-color haired figure is Sophie of DRAGON’S BLOOD, then shouldn’t she have dark hair to match the other story? I understand they have different authors but if stories share a reality, then the characters that turn up in each 1 should at LEAST fit in terms of design or coloration. I know I am basically nit picking but it does irk me when this happens.

        I guess I am passionate about the things like this.

        1. Rawls

          Yes, things like that slip through. I do my best to catch inconsistencies, but the artists and I do miss some.

  20. JTass

    FYI – this post is incorrectly tagged as NGTVisualStudio & The Talk

    1. Rawls

      Fixed 🙂 Thank you for pointing this out.

  21. Anteater

    The first is pretty good. The way it ended felt like a single chapter 1 shot.

  22. Dominanceaddict

    Not a huge fan of this illustrator

    1. Jdoggg

      Yes. The Elf Woman looks like a little boy. I don’t like that.

      1. Laimov

        Are you talking about the Chapter 1, or in general? Would appreciate your feedback here.

    2. Imnotworthy

      Totally agree. Kills the story