Elora’s Taste Ch. 1 to 9

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The elf princess Elora is wounded by a cursed blade. She returns home thinking she has made a full recovery. But the spell upon her is insidious. Elora spreads corruption throughout the castle. Even the queen is bewitched by the princess’s new power.

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Illustrations by CreamCadet: https://twitter.com/creamcadet

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This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Lobria

    Oh I see. Well alright then. Thank you.

  2. Lobria

    Hey Rawls hopefully you see this. Question why does this one take a bit longer to make. Is it because it’s the least popular or the artist or both? I really like this story and would like to see more.

    1. Rawls

      I don’t ever set the pace of illustrated stories. It doesn’t have anything to do with reader interest. Some artists have faster turn arounds than others.

  3. Lobria

    Glad to see more of this. Love it and can’t wait to see more hopefully wont take as long. I feel like I’m the only one that cares about this series since knowone else talks about it. I guess the fetish is not for everyone. Most likely why you don’t use it that often. Regardless can’t wait for more of this.

  4. Anteater

    Chapter 7 was amazing; I love how Vanya takes Meriel.

  5. Anteater

    Chapter 7 was amazing, I love how Vanya takes Meriel.

  6. Anteater

    WOW! It looks as if the Queen is going produce her own grandchildren. And I would say Vanya is having a good time.

    1. Anteater

      Yup, chapter 6 has the Queen taking her daughters with no problem.

  7. Anteater

    And here I thought the Princess was enjoying herself. According to chapter 4, apparently not.

  8. Anteater

    Chapter 3 was a surprised, particularly the revelation regarding Vanya.

  9. Haight

    Love seeing this; it’s a bit of variety compared to the usual stories to have a futa protagonist (and yes I’m rooting for the horny princess).

    1. Rawls

      I try to offer some variety where I can. It is the spice of life 🙂

  10. Anteater

    I see this 1 is not a slow burn but an instant fucking. This is the only version I have read and I look forward to chapter 2.

    1. Anteater

      I knew it! Chapter2 was SO worth the wait.

  11. Lobria

    Would love to see more chapters to this. Especially with the mom that you set up at the end. Just more fantasy stories in general on here would be cool.

    1. Rawls

      Yes, Chapter 2 is in production. The queen will be involved ??

  12. DM1485

    This is like the 3rd version of chapter one, lol. Are we ever going to see chapter two?

    1. Rawls

      This is the second and final version of chapter one ? I’ll write chapter two later this week. CreamCadet has agreed to work on future chapters. Should be fun!

      1. DM1485

        This actually IS the third version. V2 differed from V1, in that it had an extra illustration, and different layout for page 5, and as a result, had to have a 6th page, to accommodate the text.

        I’m something of a collector…an archivist, if you will.

        1. Rawls

          Haha, I stand corrected. I didn’t even remember the change to the original version 🙂

          1. DM1485

            Yeah, it kinda threw me for a loop at the time, as V2 was released shortly after V1. Still a cool story though, and it’s very nice to hear there will be more of it. The latest artist working on this, is pretty good too.

            1. Rawls

              Readers voted a long time ago on whether to reboot this series, or let it end with one chapter. They voted to reboot, and so here we are. 🙂