Five Twisted Wishes Ch. 1 to 16

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A cursed monkey paw works its web of corruption around the world.

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Illustrations by AkyraRayne: or

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This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. Lance

    This is another winner. Twisted as it was, twisted worked with a sweet ending. Rachel with a big dick was the real twist, but every family was touched in a twisted way. Very nice illustrations .

  2. Anteater

    Chapter 18’s last paragraph definitely has shown potential for a sequel. I would love to see Rodas’ reaction to Malik having the same relationship with his OWN mother as Rodas does. Not to mention a certain hermaphrodite friend has with their mother.

    By the way Rawls, will Malik’s harem have his kids? The same goes for Radas fathering his own siblings?

    1. Rawls

      I haven’t thought about what would happen in a sequel. I don’t have answers to your questions.

      1. Anteater

        The whole sequel thing was just an observation anyway. The rest was more rhetorical.

  3. Anteater

    Uh oh, it looks like emotions are coming through. The monkey’s paw is making him a better person.

    1. Anteater

      Rodas feels empty, looks like he needs something more than just carnal pleasure.

  4. Lobria

    Great stuff as always your work keeps getting better and I feel I keep getting use to it everytime I read these. Keep it up Fox

  5. Anteater

    I gotta say, chapter 11 is interesting. He is definitely the (selfish) asshole in the whole story.

  6. JoshG

    Great story!! Awesome illustrations! I have to say without illustrations it didn’t feel that good, or maybe I just needed to take a pause and return when the story is so much more developed.
    Loved the twist of Rachel’s dad asking to call his little daughter Sarah (his wife’s name), it’s so wrong and so hot! I would love to see more of it!
    Super hot picture where Rachel is in the living room watching tv with her mom and her thick device contours are visible under the long skirt. Would be great to see similar one with the whole family watching tv while the main cock of the family is slowly growing to its power under the daughters skirt ?

  7. 7Myxzptlk

    Chapter 11 pretty fire. I kinda wanna see how Rodas lords over being the only man and woman in the world left. Maybe he’ll waltz into a zoo or around the neighborhood and wish some humans back to care for the animals? I definitely wanna see how he uses his wishes.

  8. Anteater

    Yeah, the end of chapter 10 is definitely weird. Everyone gone.

  9. Anteater

    Chapter 8 was wonderful; Sarah is Rachel’s bitch now! I would NOT be surprised that both families would be having new additions soon.

    1. Anteater

      I gotta say, chapter 9 certainly shaped up to a pretty good end to the third arc. The way I see it, there 3 arcs. Each 1 for a different family.

  10. Ver Greeneyes

    Kinda wish the dick size was more consistent. I feel like it’s bigger flaccid than it is when it’s erect!

    1. Foxblack

      fox here well observed I will make sure to correct this detail in the next chapter thanks !

  11. Lobria

    I keep getting impressed with the improvement that fox makes and that makes me happy. The shots of them just standing look a lot better compared to the last chapters and the art just looks a lot better especially the sex scenes. I still think the standing shots though improved still could use some more. Cause Would like them to look as good as the sex scenes. Especially the faces. It is better but it still looks off. The story is so much better now the previously with the daughter and mom and the art is matching it now. Good work Fox. Looking forward to more of your stuff. Take care guys.

    1. Foxblack

      thanks bro I’m glad I’m having better results I’ll keep progressing thanks for the support and encouragement!

  12. blackhawk0258

    Great story. I love how the monkey paw gets around. Did not see the futa coming but am loving it.

  13. Splendid

    I hate it when a good story all of a sudden turns futa. Ruined it for me.

  14. Anteater

    Chapter 7 was great! I love how Malik has bonded with Rachel. Seeing their new friendship is really sweet.

  15. Anteater

    Ooohh, looks like they have been discovered! I did not think chapter 6 would end like this.

  16. Lobria

    Wow. This is an improvement over the last ones. Not super big but there is an improvement. It still needs a bit of work or could just be style. I really like the latest chapter and I hope it continues now. Before I was kind whatever with this but I am looking forward to this more. I appreciate that it’s something different. Futa he’ll yeah. More of this on this site will be greatly appreciated. Good job Fox like this a bit.

  17. Anteater

    Chapter 4 is amazing. I do not mind a Futa fic. As long as it is done well.

    1. Rawls

      I’m writing the next chapter soon.

  18. 7Myxzptlk

    Love the insanity with Malik & family, and I look forward to Rachael’s fall from grace, but I didn’t take well to the futa. That’s me personally. IMHO Malik should breed out Rachael & sister & mother. But again, that’s just me.

    1. Rawls

      Well, the monkey’s paw is going to monkey’s paw. We’ll see what happens to Rachel. 🙂

  19. 7Myxzptlk

    I definitely want a chapter 4 with Malik’s mom & sisters getting inseminated.

    1. Rawls

      We’re not done with Malik’s family yet …

  20. Anteater

    I originally thought this was just going to be a 1-chapter story, not that I am complaining of course. Chapter 2 was by no means a disappointment. Although, after seeing the mother, I thought Malik would have his mother as well as his married sister. Either way I am very pleased; I love how you are using different ethnicities.

    1. Rawls

      It was originally planned as a one off, but Fox and I decided it would be fun to follow the monkey paw from family to family.

      1. 7Myxzptlk

        Nice. Maybe a Latino family next? Puerto Ricans with lesbian moms, so no dad cucking just full mama breeding??

  21. Schunn99

    Looking forward to Chapter three, with the sister’s very swollen belly is on display as the monkey paw is sold to another unexpecting family…more swelling bellies to cum!

    1. Schunn99

      Maybe the sister becomes a sister / wife expecting her brother’s first set of kids of twins but to the rest of the world thanks to the wish, they see her as his wife instead of his sister.

  22. neoquan

    I really “”wish”” there is a sequel to this.

  23. Anteater

    I have got to say, I enjoyed every bit of this story.

  24. Lobria

    I also wish there was more of this as well. Especially with father and daughter. Just a change of pace. The art I found find I feel with more stories this could be better but it’s ok. Like the story though.

  25. Simon S.

    Kinda “wish” there was more of this.