The Jealous Girlfriend Ch. 1 to 7

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Becky Ackerman loved Brad Potter. They started dating at the beginning of senior year, and now they were practically stuck together. He was a sweet, handsome boyfriend. And his family supported him and welcomed Becky with open arms. She liked his boring father. His mom was nice, too. The trouble was, Brad loved his mother maybe too much. Becky has a plan to put herself between Brad and Mrs. Potter.

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4.5 out of 5 dark stones (based on 15 reviews)
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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Razzia

    Well I’m feeling kinda sad for Becky. They should have kept her, at least as their cuck.

    1. Rawls

      Don’t worry about her. I’m sure she’ll find a new boyfriend/MIL to corrupt.

  2. daniel

    Just a question, will this story continue or chapter 7 it was the closing chapter? I personally hope it will 🙂

    1. Rawls

      Chapter 7 is the last chapter of this story.

  3. 7Myxzptlk

    Would love to see an epilogue to this if ever possible.

    Maybe where Becky sees Brad and Tracy again, getting super wet seeing a pregnant Tracy and knowing it is Brad’s baby in his mother’s womb.

  4. daniel

    To me this is the greatest story.
    I hope Betty mannage to get them somehow….blackmail etc.

  5. ElPescador

    This is one of my very favorites on the site. I’d wish for just one more solid mom- son scene in the final chapter but still, this is one I come back to time and again.

  6. Kuanyang

    The links don’t appear to work anymore?

    1. Rawls

      Seems to be working now. Might have been a temporary server glitch. Let me know if you’re still having trouble.

      1. Kuanyang

        Yep, must have been a temporary glitch. Thanks!

  7. Razzia

    Nice one for a change from the usual script.

  8. BAS

    I’m not usually a big fan of pure girl-girl scenes, but this is good.