Mothership: The Adaptation Ch. 1

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Pegasus has decided to adapt another of my stories. This is a reimagined version of Mothership Wilderness. Like his Repecki adaptation, I am not creatively involved in this one other than providing the source novel he’s adapting. This is more like when a novel gets adapted into a movie. Chapters will go up on my site after they’ve been up on Pegasus’s gumroad site for a while, so if you want them earlier, check that out (link below).

To reiterate, I did not write this version of the story. Pegasus gets all writing credits. My story merely inspired his version.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback on the latest chapter below. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations by Pegasus: and

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This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Osiris908

    Can we get more of this? I know it’s not like your initiative but can you contact him and ask? His work combined with your stories is awesome. Maybe you can get him on a regular schedule?

    1. Rawls

      We’re probably not going to get any more. The artist has taken down all his sites, and he hasn’t responded to my email.

      1. Osiris908

        Oh really? Bummer. Oh well – thanks for trying at least.

  2. cmj15301

    So I guess he decided not to finish this project… 🙁 Too bad, I really liked where he was going with it.

    1. Rawls

      I don’t know, I haven’t heard from him since last year.

    1. Rawls

      I don’t have any news. This isn’t a project I pay for or have input on, so it’s outside of all the other illustrated projects. I don’t check in on him to see how it’s going. I recommend following him on his platforms for the most up to date news on his projects.

  3. shortymcbighuge

    Best story. Can’t wait for next chapter.

  4. cmj15301

    Holy fudge nuts Batman! Can’t wait for more of this

  5. UlyssesGrant

    It’s just Pegasus’s style, but I’ve never been a fan of cocks so big they are thicker than a character’s limbs. It’s a shame because they do cum induced brain melting climaxes and corruption so well.

  6. kadrender

    I kinda wonder what was wrong with the name Pricilla lol

  7. Tensai

    Excellent arousal so far. Things escalated quickly haha!
    And it went straight into the gates of momcest. Love it!

    Please more! XD

  8. cmj15301

    I love this adaptation. It will be fun seeing this whole version of the story. Can’t wait for future releases! Love all the additional views.

  9. Osiris908

    Has there been any news on Redoxxa?

    1. Rawls

      No news. At this point, I think we may not hear from him again 🙁 In case you’re wondering, this adaptation will not effect my version of Mothership at all. If Redoxa is gone, that version will get rebooted.

  10. Anteater

    I like to think of his adaptions as a parallel universe. Y’know?

  11. MixWizard

    This was one of my absolute favorite stories you’d written, and if Pegasus does this the same justice he did teh Repecki adaptation it is going to be FIRE!!!

    1. Stone Ranger

      Very nice. Love Pegasus’ work with Repecki. Hope he’ll publish 80+ page issues for Mothership🙂.

  12. GTJake

    It’s really good but my sole criticism is the gargantuan penis size. Sorry, but when you are drawing dicks larger than human torsos the suspension of disbelief is shattered.

    1. Anteater

      Yeah. The size of Umul’s penis made sense, but Jake’s penis size does not. The girth is too much. It would have been better if it was smaller. The original illustrated adaption has Jake’s penis proportions fit. The rest of the people are fine.

    2. Chaeron

      Yeah…..but this is an adaption rather than the ‘official’ version so I think there is some room to have fun with it and I think this was fun! 🙂

  13. DrFlabbicus

    Incredible! Pegasus is such a terrific artist, and I love the work done on the Repecki adaptation. Mothership I rate very highly among the Rawly epics, can’t wait to see how this progresses!