Poll for choosing a new short story 2/27/23

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The Sex Talk is on its final chapter. After that, SeventeenSam and I will need a new project to collaborate on. He would like to work on something in the Rawlytown, USA universe. So, it won’t be in the DSU or Mothers & Monsters: NO overt magic, fantasy, or dark stones.

Thank you all for your suggestions. We have narrowed down the story prompts to a few. You decide what story we’ll work on. Vote for your TWO favorite ideas. The winner will become a new multi-chapter story. Poll expires in one week: 3/6/23.

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508 days 22 hours left to vote
Pick your two favorite ideas for a new story.
490 votes

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  1. DM1485

    was gonna vote for the one with the crazy son….but when i realized that the chances of the story’s title being “Special Needs” was vanishingly small, i voted for another.

  2. MsOedipusSex

    (Full premise: “Post-war America, the 1950’s. Restless teen Jon has been raised all his life by a strict, puritanical Aunt and a kindly doting Uncle—who suddenly dies. At the funeral, Jon ironically meets someone whom he’d regarded as long being lost and dead to him: his Mother. She’s a free-spirited woman who in her carefree youth had been forced by circumstances years ago to abandon him. In a whirlwind reacquaintance with each other, discovering their shared rebellious streak and passion for the thrumming, newfangled music known as rock n’ roll—Mother and son draw inexorably closer, until…”)

    Note: The seeds for the story are based on the John Lennon biopic “Nowhere Boy” (there’s a “sanitized” version of the film free to watch on YouTube, but it cuts out nearly all the Mom-son “uncomfortable” bits). In the movie, John’s mom had been forced to abandon him when he was 5 and he’s raised by his strict aunt. John and mom reunite when he’s a teenager, just as the hormones start flowing and he discovers rock n’ roll—he’s intrigued by her vivacious and flirtatious demeanor when she’s around him, but of course the film doesn’t explore their dilemma of a simmering mutual attraction any further…Lennon himself later in life confessed in a personal audio diary of having been tempted to act on his desires, but the filmmakers obviously didn’t want to speculate and invite defamation/libel from his estate and depict that in the movie…