The Enchanted Scepter Ch. 1 to 6

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When their town is sacked by orcs, a human mother and son rescue a mysterious scepter from a burning shrine. They must flee into the perilous Mottled Forest where they encounter all sorts of nefarious magical creatures. Everyone they meet harbors their own desires for the scepter.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback below. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations for the first five chapters by Owusyr.

Illustrations for Chapter 6 and later by BSA: and

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This Post Has 52 Comments

  1. Anteater

    Chapter 6
    There are somethings that are a bit confusing to me. Is Marco 18 or 20? Was Pallida really jealous or was Marco misinterpreting her reaction?

  2. Rawls

    BSA and I appreciate all the comments. We’re going to work on an adjustment for the next chapter.

  3. Lobria

    One other thing. I really love the ending panel to this I thought that was incredibly hot. But I do think it does need a bit more of a touch up or better yet perhaps not continue off were the other person did and start over I feel that would be better though everyone voted not to. Though once again I don’t think it was that bad just need some adjustments. That goes for all of his works. If he does that then I wouldn’t mind if he need a main story for you.

  4. kadrender

    I hate to pile on but I also agree with the others as far as the art style. it worked well for CR because of the ethereal out of this world narrative that is based in what could be the real world. But this is already clearly fantasy and having more detail and less to the imagination or interpretation would be better. I’m no artist and I would never tell an artist how to do their work, however if BSA would be willing to mimic Owusyr’s style a bit more then I think it would go a lot father in meeting people’s expectations

  5. Lobria

    Hey Rawls I will say at times I do think the art looks off. I say in the beginning when they are just standing there. I feel there needs to be a bit more detail. However, I think there are only those scenes I think everything looked pretty good. I feel the style actually kinda works with this since it is fantasy. Also it seems he learned his lesson from his last works and made the women more attractive and not old and didn’t go to much detail in the I will sageyness that was in the mother book club story. I think he needs to stick with having the women look like this and less like that because that too me is off putting and doesn’t work. Just a little more detail so we can see a bit more and the beginning scenes but other then that if he works on this more I’m cool with it.

    1. Rawls

      Thank you, I appreciate the detailed feedback!

  6. Jargonis

    The story is great but the art isn’t good for the content. It’s really offputting tbh

    1. Rawls

      Can you give some specific examples about what is off putting? We’re always looking for constructive criticism to improve.

      1. DM1485

        unfortunately, i gotta agree. i don’t HATE BSA, but the style is unique and isn’t really doing it for me with this story. the style is kind of a cross between expressionism, and avant-garde…it is a touch off-putting. it clashes with the narrative imagery…. at least in my opinion….which is entirely subjective.

      2. Jargonis

        The artists work is thought provoking beautiful art you’d see at a gallery in Soho. but for this type of comic arousal is the name of the game and as crazy as it seems he’s overqualified lol

        1. DM1485

          Yeah, i’ll agree with this too. The style is rather vague, and has an almost ethereal, dream-like quality to it…”nebulous” may also be an appropriate descriptor. Yes, i think “dream-like” is a good way to describe it, simply. From the coloring, to the indistinct way things are shaped and defined.. it’s simply too “artsy” for this medium. For your stories, i think artists who are more straight-forward (Lexx, TenderMindd, SatanicFruitCake, EsotericBunny, Sezlov, etc) do a better job of bringing the words on the page to life. The original artist for this project was a perfect fit…it’s too bad you two didn’t get along.

  7. Novehx

    I always liked this one but I’m not gonna lie, I was looking forward to the next chapter but I’m a bit let down with the new artist. The old artist really fit the style of the book well. Are you not able to get them back?

    1. Rawls

      Sorry you don’t like BSA’s take on this story. Hopefully it will grow on you. Do you have any specific feedback on the illustrations? The original artist and I didn’t work well together. So, he’s not coming back.

  8. ujagnihotri

    Any idea when you might be able to restart this story?

    1. Rawls

      BSA will be working on it pretty soon.

  9. comicrelief

    I was rereading this story again and was struck with a notion.
    The music played by Helen during her duet with Gylfi wasn’t her induced love for Gylfi; but, was her love and passion for her son Marco. Upon hearing that music, Pallida was compelled by that passion to make love to Marco specifically. I had assumed that she was affected with general horniness. This notion opens up many more possibilities for storylines.

  10. comicrelief

    Artist aside, this storyline has several intriguing possibilities.

    1. comicrelief

      I just reread my comment and realized that it could be misunderstood.
      What I was trying to say was: even though the illustrations are great; I find the storyline compelling and want more of it.
      Sorry if my earlier comment sounded like I was dissing the artist.

      1. Rawls

        No worries, I knew what you meant. We’re getting closer to starting this story again, but it may be several months.

    1. Rawls

      No updates. This one is going to be tough to find the right fit. It may take a while.

  11. FreshlySnipes

    Enjoying the story. Feel the initial scene with the fawns was a bit short. Wouldn’t be a opposed to a reflective flashback that provides a bit more detail.

  12. Slick Pillar

    I love this story so much but chapter 5 is a disappointment. Feels like the story only progressed about an inch. The action scene was really cool and well illustrated. On the other hand the depiction of young Helen is bad. Her breasts would be a lot bigger by her 20’s if she is to become elder Helen. Only one child and her breasts grew, what like 3, 4 cup sizes? Doesn’t make any sense. Otherwise, I love everything else. I’m crazy about medieval fantasy so this one hits a sweet spot. Dryads… (drool)

  13. Anteater

    Chapter 5 was definitely interesting. The question I find is…WHAT is Helen’s younger self? An illusion maybe?

  14. Anteater

    I love chapter 4; I love how Marco found a lover that is more caring this time. The last part is the best.

  15. Lobria

    Art is fantastic. Story great, wish it wasn’t a short lol. But still great. I really hope this person gets a full story. Also great to read this and this went in different directions then I first thought. Good job.

  16. Poopis

    More please!! Wonderful work, both artwork and writing. Would love to see more illustrations! but I understand they are quality pieces and your writing certainly makes up for it in this one, so either way bravo!

    1. Rawls

      We’re working on the next chapter right now. 🙂

    1. Rawls

      Try a different PDF reader on your phone. It should work that way.

  17. Anteater

    I cannot seem to open chapter 3.

    1. Anteater

      Thanks! I love chapter 3. It looks like Marco FINALLY got some action at last!

  18. Tenin

    very detailed art and pretty too, not much of a fan of the mom NTR but the art is supreme, hope to see more of the artist

    1. DarkArthas

      I agree. Love the art but the mother being willing to screw anything with a dick ruined the story for me.

      1. Rawls

        I try different things in different stories. They don’t always work for everyone. I appreciate the feedback.

  19. 7Myxzptlk

    That Dryad is a sexy little fern. Here’s to a growing family tree.

  20. Anteater

    I am loving this 1, it looks like Helen is really losing herself to the pleasure.

  21. gamecoke689

    This is probably my favorite current artist that is working with you.

  22. Dogboy1313

    I can’t wait until Marco makes his mother sing a duet with him. ?

    1. Rawls

      He’ll need to focus if he’s going to rescue her!

  23. Crotcher

    Love this illustrator fast becoming my new fav!

  24. bman

    Nice story, although after almost 2 months of waiting I expected more erotic illustrations for it, there was a little more in the first chapter. Having said that, I will be looking forward to the next chapter if or when it is to come out.

  25. Jabba87

    This is great when will the next chapter come out?

  26. Anteater

    The first chapter is great, I would not change a thing. I love Helen and her picture.

  27. bman

    Looking forward to the next illustrated chapter. Good Start!

  28. Pereos

    Would love a series, even if you can only post the text story in advance

    1. Rawls

      You’re in luck! I’ll be writing the next chapter in a week or two. The text always releases before the illustrated version.