The Missus Ring Ch. 1 to 31

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Beware of mysterious shops curated by strange men wearing wizard hats. If you find a ring in such a place, don’t let your mother put it on.

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Illustrations by Lexx228

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4.8 out of 5 dark stones (based on 315 reviews)
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This Post Has 118 Comments

  1. Thomas_windsor

    This story is definitely one of my favourites. The relationship between Evan and his mom, which developed slowly, but is now so loving and intimate, is awesome. Ava is pretty cool and cheeky too. I’m really looking forward to how you’re gonna wrap this one up Rawls!

  2. matwalk

    I have to say I’m really loving this story. It’s right up there with Enki’s puzzle for me.
    Personally the longer the story the better. The slow gradual changes of personality from bitch to affectionate. Or jerk to nice guy. The slow realisation of the way certain characters treat others is one of the things I like most in your writing. Also the artwork on this one is spot on. The mom is super hot.

  3. Hellofacritic

    I’m sorry but I love Ava, the little minx. She’s in many ways sexier than the mom to me. And I just want Evan to discipline her and make her his loving slave wife too. Hopefully by making her pregnant too.
    I’m glad the lesbian stuff is over as I read Rawlyrawls’ stories in a big part for the unapologetic main focus on male power fantasy and straight sex.

  4. Drhc

    I didn’t understand completely. What is the deeper reason why ava wanted the ring ? Like Evan said she ist to free. So what was she longing for ? What was the relationship of the wife-woman to her husband like ? Where is this discussed ?
    By the way: Real great story and Illustrations, the best I’ve seen yet. I would prefer a little bit more lesbian sex scenes with Ava dominating Evans mother.

    1. Rawls

      If you notice how the wife-woman behaves toward her husband, she a ton of faith and trust in him. She references past adventures that they’ve shared. She has a partner who understands and loves her. Ava has such a hard time imagining having such a partner that she didn’t even know why she loved wearing the ring until Evan told her.

      1. Drhc

        Thanks for the hint.
        I have re-read a few chapters and translated them more carefully into my language. I have understood it now.
        The story even has philosophical depth – great!

  5. Darw1976

    When are we going to meet the sister? I don’t know, jusk asking… imagining a younger version of Amy…

    1. Rawls

      I don’t know if we’ll meet her. She’s off at college and not planned for the story.

  6. Kalel00

    Kinda ruinin one of the best comics and stories, hope you can pull it back. Believe in you chief.

  7. ReadRawls69

    Now that’s good entertainment folks! Wonder what villainy Ava is up to?

  8. Rapiddave

    Damn this one was hot 🥵🥵 love the anal and seeing Evan take some control! keep it comin!! 🍆 🍑 💦

  9. Jockster84

    Finally, some ANAL…!!!
    Evan got even with his mother…!!
    Even though Amy was still his mother, she had to let her son give her a good spanking this time…!

  10. pennsyneil

    Seeing how Amy was no longer is the women that raised him . The situation of having his baby should change to NO baby that will fix one of his problems

  11. ReadRawls69

    Can’t wait to see what Evan does. Feels like a pivotal moment.

  12. pennsyneil

    This is something. Finding both of his loves have gone full dyke.I don’t understand why they can’t see all the rings power runs thur Evan, doesn’t matter who Ava is with see will stil want Evan her husband. So Evan should go get the ring talk to Fiona and take charge of his Bitchs

  13. Jockster84

    As hot & sexy as this is, it’s still heart-breaking see…!
    I’m sure Evan feels that way…
    He’s gotta have revenge, NOT sure HOW to on Ava, but …
    it’s NOW his TURN to break his mother’s heart … (when I say her heart, I mean her ASS…)!!!

  14. Anteater

    Was Amy’s behavior toward Evan more about their baby? I have tried to understand how Evan did anything wrong and I cannot find anything, it felt like Amy was blaming Evan for things that could not have been predicted.

    1. Rawls

      I didn’t hear Amy blaming Evan for anything. If you mean why was she more icy to him, well yes, she had concerns that were pressing on her mind.

  15. HeliasAlun2488

    I would so love to see the sister get involved with her own mother or better yet have Ms. Roslin get involved with the sister

  16. ReadRawls69

    Lying to her clueless husband is one thing but lying to her baby daddy better have consequences.

  17. pennsyneil

    Seems time for moms secrets to turn this story a little darker,Maybe ill effects on Evan’s mind you know depression heartbreak. the strain on Moms marrage ,with 2 extra love affairs, yes I’m sure see now loves Ava. heck this story with a few twists and turns could go on for 20 more chapters

  18. Rapiddave

    Love this story!! Keep it coming! I like the hinting of some future anal mentioned in the previous chapter (ch 23). Maybe Evan starts playing with and worshiping Amy’s ass and hinting about anal (cause it is fantASStic 😉 Evan solves the Ava problem and Amy ends up taking Evan back to the hotel for a celebration weekend away and gives him her ass as a reward and they both love it

  19. Thomas_windsor

    I am loving this story. Please keep it coming! Also, I don’t know about others, but I think it would be cool if there were like a few chapters after Amy gets pregnant where we still get to see her and Evan continuing their relationship. the stories always end after mom gets pregnant, and I get why, but I think it would be cool to see them for a bit longer afterwards.

  20. Osiris908

    This is a great story (tho I disliked how Evan and mom got together so quickly right away in ch. 1) and Lexx does the best art for RR. That said – it seems to be dragging on and on and…on. It’s done, over, finito. Nothing left to say or do or show (and I couldn’t care less about Blue haired girl). Please have Lexx illustrate a new story where we get to see a mom slowly and reluctantly fall. Just my two cents. Keep up the great work.

  21. Chaeron

    I mean. A fantastic tale, told brilliantly, presented perfectly. Encore! Encore!

  22. Jockster84

    It’d be nice at some point, while Evan is sexing his mom, he says something dirty & nasty to her, then she asks “Do you kiss your mommy with that mouth?” Then he’ll respond, “Yes, I do…!” and starts kissing her passionately with tongue…

  23. cmj15301

    I am a total fan of this artist and artwork. I would love to see more stories illustrated like this…by this illustrator…even if they were done or partially done by other artists. These are so clear, sharp, and realistic – they bring the story alive

  24. cmj15301

    The hottest part of this story for me, apart from the mom and evan segments was when ava dominated mom into girl on girl sex with her. I would love a chapter where ava confronts mom about the ring…and literally forces mom to have explosive sex with her.

  25. Jockster84

    Evan should take Ava to the Wizard’s Shop to find a solution…

    1. Dogboy1313

      I can’t get enough of this story. I’m hoping for Evan to knock up dear old mom soon.

  26. thebadtrojan

    Great illustrations! Love the longer chapters. Wish this released more often!

  27. Tony Strokes

    Another great chapter to the story, and the illustrations are once again well done. I think the only critique I have of it is on pg 3 (or 4 maybe), in the scene where Evan & his Mom are having sex against the refrigerator, I think Lexx should’ve drawn Evan with his pants somewhat lowered. At least in the front, it adds to the visual aesthetic of sex taking place, rather than appearing as if Evan’s pants are completely buttoned & the two are just dry-humping each other. Other than that, fantastic story & illustrations.

    1. Lexx228

      “dry-humping” ))
      I was afraid of the bad comments about the other pictures… But to me this “dry-humping” scene shows “quick unplanned sex” quite well.
      Thank you for your feedback.

  28. WhiteBull_BR

    When are you going to make her pregnant??
    And later, you could lengthen the story with the father becoming a cuckold.
    it would be cool. What you think??

  29. HeliasAlun2488

    You know what would be funny is if Evan’s mom becomes the Wife-Woman Ms. Anelar in the future because she changed her name to marry her son after divorcing Evan’s father

  30. HeliasAlun2488

    Hey Rawls here’s an Idea a Mother & family go on a island vacation without realizing its a nudist/Swingers island dedicated to Aphrodite & Eros where the two Gods interact with the most worthy.

    What do You think?

    1. Rawls

      You can pitch it the next time I put up a story suggestion post.

  31. Jockster84

    I wish this was “the only” story you’re working on, because it kills me to wait each month for the next chapter…!

  32. HeliasAlun2488

    I would really love it Rawls would make an Audio version of the story. What do you say Rawls?

    1. Rawls

      The voice actors choose the stories they work on. So, it’s possible.

  33. jYB6Pcd6

    I’m caught up on this one, eager for more chapters. I’m puzzled that the ring disappeared. Surely Evan will need it to seduce Ava. And how will we find out who Fania Anelar is, if the ring stays lost? I’m puzzled about that too. Fania calls Evan by his correct name. Is Evan also her husband’s name? Does she call ever man she meets by his correct name? That would be curious magic. What does she do when nobody is wearing the ring? Maybe I’m thinking too much. Here’s a thought. Evan’s mom gets pregnant and, when she visits an ObGyn, the doctor or nurse is Fania.

    1. Rawls

      The ring thought it’s task was complete. That Ava would be his girlfriend, as he’d originally wanted. Everyone else seems to think that isn’t so.

  34. ReadRawls69

    Safe enough huh? The shopkeeper could have thrown the powder in with the bell but I’ll bet he has other ideas.

  35. pennsyneil

    Looks like the rings not finished yet. Mom better find a way to begin liking Ava ,Evans future girlfriend.

  36. thebadtrojan

    Another great chapter! I’d love to see them get dirtier. Anal, more facials, threesomes with Ava…

    Great work!

    1. Rawls

      I’m not sure what Ava will bring to the table, but it will probably be naughty, knowing her.

  37. thebadtrojan

    I think this is probably the best story/illustration I’ve read. I wish you would put all efforts into making this story!

  38. Anteater

    I love how her breast size fits her frame, not overly large.

  39. heart22heart

    How about some xray specs from the shop so Evan can see his sperm fill his mom’s womb.

    1. Rawls

      I like this idea, but I don’t think it will make it into the story.

      1. Anteater

        I agree, that would not work with the art style. If the style was more 2-dimensional, then I could see it.

        I find this story to be among my favorites.

  40. thebadtrojan

    Great story. Really hot illustrations! Id love to see anal!

  41. JesterzCourt

    So, will we follow Evan and His mom to find out what happens after?
    Or will we follow the ring to see it’s next adventure?

    I like either way, but the former would come to a conclusion, whereas the latter leads to a “Never-Ending Story” kind ofr thing, and WE may eventually find out much more about Fanny and her life as well.

    1. Rawls

      We won’t follow the ring. Although, it’s a fun idea for an anthology like Five Twisted Wishes.

  42. cmj15301

    Love this story, love the artwork. I have to say that many of the pics from chapter 18 are too dark. I understand that the room is dark, but the thing I love about this art is how you can see all the details of mom and son, and that wasn’t so much the case in chap 18.

  43. Lance

    This story is a real winner it only gets better with each new chapter. The story can keep on keeping on, as the ring has untold history yet to be told and asses to be entered into. Ava is the freak that makes mom and son unite as one but what of Ava her boyfriend and Dad.

  44. Patcouples

    The writing together with the art work is terrific- This story continues to be the best!

  45. cmj15301

    First glance I thought I didn’t like this story. Now it’s one of my favorites.

    Fantastic story wonderful art work

  46. Planet4

    Sixteen chapters in and I feel I should have shouted out Lexx228’s fantastic work much earlier. I’m usually not a big fan of 3D art but their phenomenal work here really has shifted my appraisal of the medium’s potential. The body mechanics and facial expressions are some of (if not the) best I’ve encountered.

    Odd as it may sound, Lexx228’s attention to the hands and fingers is really key to my appreciation of their efforts. Details like that make the characters come alive and really bolster an already terrific narrative.

  47. valles

    Really prolly the best story, and the artworks…..couldnt be better!!!! Keep it up

  48. Patcouples

    This story is soooo good! Please keep up the frequent updates!!!!

  49. Booksaver

    Have the Mother take Ava shopping for sexy clothes

  50. cmj15301

    This story has really heated up! This might be edging into my new favorite…love how mom is being dominated by gf. I also love the artwork. Very hot!
    I wish there weren’t so many pics with the text on them. It’s really hard to read pics and text combined on my phone. Its fine on a computer monitor, but on a phone screen not so much.

  51. Patcouples

    Great chapter and art work! Best story !

  52. richard

    Give ring to Dad he may be more understanding

  53. Patcouples

    This story and artwork are fabulous!

  54. hd04

    Love the story and the way Mom wants to understand the Wife-Woman better, but I think Evan screwed up giving his location away to Ava. Should be an interesting reunion
    The art is Fantastic!!

    1. Rawls

      Things did get more complicated with Ava there!

  55. Anteater

    I love the last 2 pictures of chapter 12.

  56. Thomas_windsor

    I love this series so much. Like its just mint. Chef’s kiss*

  57. Anteater

    I LOVE the hotel chapters. This story is becoming one of my favorites.

  58. Holyx

    Hey Rawly, I am not sure how much longer the Missus ring story will last, but afterwards can Lexx do THOPM reboot? His art style seems really suited for it.

    1. Rawls

      That won’t work. Lexx has limited props to work with, so it works best if I write stories that are specifically for him. Eloise’s wardrobe alone would cause all sorts of problems.

      1. Holyx

        Rawly I remember you saying you wanted specific illustrators that can do a long story, so the only other reliable and proven illustrator are Redoxa and Tindermind . Either of them doing THOPM reboot would be great. Also you should check out MandoLogica and Daval3D from subscribe star they both have worked on long stories of their own and collaboration with them on future projects would be nice.

        1. Rawls

          There are other reliable artists that are willing to commit to a big project. I just have to get to know them and we have to feel comfortable working together. For instance, two artists who were working on shorts are starting new novels right now. There’s also SatanicFruitcake, who I love working with. I think Palmer Mansion will go to a 2D artist. I’d like a 2D look since it’s atmospheric horror. Other than that, I’m not sure who yet. But it’s likely it will be this year or next.

    1. cmj15301

      Ok, can we just pause a moment on the name satanic fruitcake?!? Genius. Lol

  59. parsec

    Wow, I think chapter 10 is going to be in my top 5 favorites. It was fantastic how you framed it.

  60. Roan9999

    Really want this story to continue!

  61. Thomas_windsor

    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes! I love this story so much! and the illustrated version is just as awesome as the text! I really like the slightly shorter stories that focus mainly on mother and son getting it on. I really hope Evan and his mom ditch the condoms soon

    1. Rawls

      I just wrote Chapter 10. You’ll find out soon 🙂 Thanks for the feedback!

      1. Thomas_windsor

        Sweet! Can’t wait! I imagine that Ava is going to show up to the hotel, but I hope she doesn’t get in the way of Evan and his mom making the next big step. If she is a facilitator great! Hehe

  62. Anteater

    I love chapter 8, things are going to get hot. Here we go down the rabbit hole!

    1. Rawls

      Looks like you joined about six minutes after this comment. If you’re still having trouble, email me and I’ll help:

  63. Patcouples

    This is great! Please make the chapters a semi- monthly installment.

    1. Rawls

      We make the chapters as fast as we can for each project 🙂

  64. cmj15301

    This artwork definitely does it for me. Looks so realistic.

  65. Anteater

    Chapter 6 is definitely good. I wonder how long she will be able to resist. What I do not understand is what if Evan waited for Amy to take a nap. Slip the ring on to her finger, then. I don’t know.

  66. R03N

    This has become my favourite current story of yours. Hopefully you will keep it going a while and not dramatically end it

  67. Thomas_windsor

    I hope this is one of those stories that goes on for a lil while. I’m really enjoying it so far!

  68. Thomas_windsor

    Lexx228 is definitely my favourite illustrator

  69. Anteater

    I have read chapters 3-to-5 back-to-back and I gotta say, Amy seems really into it. It looks as if she is in denial though.

  70. Osiris908

    She’s wearing the same outfit two days in a row? Cmon Mom, get it together. I kid. Love this story and love the first person and really love Lexx.

  71. Pkacua

    Like the update, don’t know where the next one will go. I also like the first person, it suits the story well. I hope she starts falling for her son without needing the missus ring and helps him use it on other women, like his crush.

  72. Cart93

    I think there is a little uncanny valley on the mom. The chin is a little too pointy and I think the face might be slightly large for the head.

  73. PuyBo

    When you reboot, do you at least keep the other works archived for us?

    1. Rawls

      I don’t usually keep the discontinued version of the rebooted stories on the site. I remove them to avoid confusion and clutter. The exceptions are JDseal’s versions of Betty and Palmer Mansion. If you ask for a particular discontinued story on my Discord server, I’ll be happy to post it there for you.

      1. DM1485

        And if you ever lose any of them, i have a full archive of all illustrated works, including alternate versions, and artists…..which i keep backed-up.. i’m really anal about data preservation, lol.

        1. Mithandriel

          Oh cool is there a way to get the alternate versions?

          If that is okay with @Rawls?

          1. Rawls

            You can ask around on my Discord server. Someone might have saved them and be willing to share.

      2. cmj15301

        I’m curious what kind of awesome discontinued Illustrated stories might be out there. Would love to see them….

  74. Holyx

    It looks like another home run for Lexx. Great first chapter illustration.

  75. Anthony

    Wasn’t it illustrated before?

    1. Rawls

      Yes, the illustrator couldn’t continue past chapter 1, so this is a reboot.