The Palmer Legacy Ch. 1 to 10

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When a new shop opens in Clover Falls, Jessica Reader is excited to purchase a nineteenth century family portrait. The more she learns about the painting and its subjects, the Palmers, the more her life spins out of control. Her eighteen-year-old son, Noah, tries to understand and halt his mother’s fall from grace. Will the painting also pull him into the spreading web of corruption?

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Illustrations by AkyraRayne: or

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4.9 out of 5 dark stones (based on 119 reviews)
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This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. pragmaticromantic

    The art overall is excellent, but if I could offer one bit of constructive criticism, it’s that the movement of the characters isn’t translating very well and they come off pretty stiff. Other than that, I’m enjoying the art.

  2. CeeBee42

    Fantastic work! Looking forward to more art for this story!

  3. A_wizard_did_it

    I hope you keep the different body types unique. I appreciate the well-endowed figures, of course. Who doesn’t? But I’m often more interested in the variety of different body types that are occasionally shown in the beginning of some of your stories.

    Anyway, thank you for all your hard work, Rawls!

  4. 7Myxzptlk

    I would love to see Samantha fuck until she’s mindless like the ladies from Something In the Water, but I’m intrigued to see how Kathy would embrace the story of Coyote’s Trick. Maybe Noah can be her pack leader?

  5. 7Myxzptlk

    While the scene compositions are splendid, the notice on the fingers bcuz of the AI assist tool kind of gets your attention after 2 or 3 seconds of examining an image. I would recommend asking Akyra to double-check & manually alter the fingers. That’s just me.

    1. Foxblack

      hands are always difficult to make, but I will pay attention to this detail in the next chapter to make something more delicate, especially female hands, thank you for observing this detail.

  6. cmj15301

    This is going to be a fantastic one

  7. Anteater

    Mrs. Jessica Reader is officially my favorite character. Judging by her illustrations, I do not feel she needs any alterations to her body.

  8. AfkasH

    I’ve seen Akyra’s original sketches on twitter and it’s pretty good, why did he choose to use AI for this instead?

    1. Rawls

      I’m not sure what method Akyra is using to color and finish the pieces, but the line art is his.

      1. 7Myxzptlk

        Akyra is likely using a hybrid method that makes the characters and the layouts, then uses AI as a tool to augment sections to add the color/lighting finish like a painting since this story revolves around paintings. The FX makes it seem like AI, but the fingers are drawn matching the anatomy of the figure so I’m inclined to believe that this is AI as an enhancing tool and not AI prompted art. If that makes sense. I personally like it, since the fingers and anatomies don’t seem like an electric dream madness.

  9. Thomas_windsor

    Damn. This illustrator is unreal. Can’t wait for more from them!

  10. Lobria

    Wonderful artwork. This is truly amazing. Reading or skimming thru the chapter looking at the art I was at awe with this. You really took your time and put so much effort into this. I love the ending where the photo comes to life and it’s a mix of your art with I believe it’s satanic’s. Great shit. The way that people look here are more detailed, the lighting is great and my god man this is a tremendous step from your last work and from last year with mansion. bravo on this. I look forward to your illustrations and can’t wait when finally get to the good stuff. This will make the next year or so of this and easier pill to swallow due to your art and waiting for chapter twenty whatever until the mom and son actually do something. I can’t wait to see that but my god long wait. will skim through the story and do my best to read the parts where art is illustrated on. Five stars for your art and your art alone. Well done man. Well done.

    1. Foxblack

      The Palmer mansion really I was not prepared to assume, but one thing is for sure thanks to the positive or negative feedback it contributes a lot to improvements, thanks for them I intend to do better with each chapter in Palmer Legacy

      1. Lobria

        You took the feedback really well and my god it shows. Hats off to you sir because now you are in the top illustrators in looking forward to each month. Just wow man the art exceptional and this is chapter 1. Jesus can’t wait to see the rest of the chapters. Well done man. We’ll done.

  11. DoesNotMatter

    AkyraRayne is doing an absolutely brilliant job with the illustrations!

  12. Holyx

    Really great artistic style from the illustrator. Looks like we have a winner here.

  13. pghcrew

    This might be the best art I’ve seen on here, and there’s a ton of amazing artists.

  14. comicrelief

    Great concept with this storyline. Having read all the stories associated with each of the paintings made this fun to read. Illustrations are off to a good start.

  15. srv313526

    awesome art work. can’t wait until the chapter