The Pleistocene Ring Ch. 1 to 11

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An eighteen-year-old inherits an ancient ring. The women in his life act strangely. He meets a djinn. He ends a plague. And that’s just the beginning.

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This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. debian

    Even if various artists can’t keep up with the writing, it would be better to post more than one chapter every few months on popular stories. It’s not fun to start reading a story only to get dribbles every few months – really takes away the fun of reading these stories.

    1. Rawls

      I’ve been thinking about this. After 3838 Walnut Street, I might pause before writing another main novel, and spend that writing time on the existing shorter stories. Nothing concrete yet. I’m still thinking it over.

  2. Italian10inch

    Love, love, love this story. Wish it was full length.

  3. hd04

    Has the illustrator run into complications or taken on more work than he can handle? It has been almost 6 months since the last chapter was illustrated. You have written stories without illustrations (text only) before, i.e. Palmer Mansion. The story is finished and can be read in its complete form and yet it is only illustrated to chapter 15. This story deserves to move forward or readers will forget what is happening and not come back. It is a shame that the same few stories move forward and some of the better ones are left behind.

    1. Rawls

      Disarten has always taken longer than others between chapters. This story moves slowly.

      I write one main novel at a time. The main novels are not written for illustrations, although they often get illustrated later. Palmer Mansion is a main novel. All the shorter stories are written specifically for illustrations, and I write them at the illustrator’s pace.

  4. Lurifaks86

    I love this storie but it seems to me that the stories i like the most are the ones that are slowly coming out compared to when they where started and when other stories started. Will be copying this into a couple of other chats to as subtle hint :p

    1. Rawls

      The short stories run on the illustrator’s schedule. I write new chapters whenever the previous chapter is ready. For different reasons, some illustrators get waylaid, or take longer between chapters.

  5. comicrelief

    This is one of my favorite ongoing stories. It seems to me that it is/was a joy to write.

  6. 81vol

    Please finish this story. Inrealy like this one as compared to the stories you have been working lately

    1. Rawls

      This story is ongoing. My illustrated stories move at the illustrator’s pace.

  7. richard

    Great story hopefully we get to see more soon.

    1. Rawls

      Not sure how soon, but the illustrator is working on it.

  8. debian2009

    Thanks Rawlyrawls for chapter 7!

    Really looking forward to the next one!

  9. Koshnicgarov

    Another great chapter. Cant wait for the next one!

  10. debian2009

    Hi Rawlyrawls, when are you going to post chapter 7? This is a really good story

    1. Rawls

      Good news! It looks like Disarten and I will be moving forward with more regular chapters in the near future. I’ll write new chapters as they get illustrated.

      1. debian2009

        Thanks for the good news! Looking forward to it.

  11. Artictraveler

    Good story,? Looking forward to the continuation maybe it will go on like Enki’s puzzle ?? that was a great story

    1. Rawls

      Because of Disarten’s busy schedule, this story moves very slowly. But it is continuing.

  12. adscrypt

    Love this one as well, another vote for continuation

  13. Koshnicgarov

    Yes, please continue this! Make it a full novel.

    1. Rawls

      Often the short stories make it to novella length. And novel length is theoretically possible, I might have even hit it with a couple of them. But I write short stories at the pace of the illustrations, and Disarten is busy, we probably average about three chapters a year. So … it’s probably not going to be a novel.

  14. Evil Modder

    How has this story got only one like???

    1. Rawls

      It’s been part of the Zapped! and other Short Stories compendium until today. I just gave it it’s own text page.

    2. Evil Modder

      I see now, it has been separated from Zapped.