A note about using virtual cards on the site.

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When you’re ready to renew, virtual cards are a great choice if you don’t have a credit card or want privacy. Some people have tried using the virtual credit card number before receiving a physical card from the virtual credit card company. That may not work.

When using a virtual card, you need to have the physical card mailed to you so that you can enter the expiration date and CVC number when you sign up on my site. Without that info, the card will be declined.

I’ve heard from several members that they have successfully used cards from by wise.comskrill.com, or privacy.com.

If you’re having trouble signing up and you’ve gotten errors three times in an hour, wait and try again later. There is fraud protection on the site that doesn’t let one IP make more than three charge attempts in an hour.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for the support!

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  1. Dannny

    I have tried several times woth no luck. I will try again later today.

    1. Rawls

      Hello! Thanks for trying. If you continue to have issues, feel free to message me via email or on Discord. I’ll be glad to help.