A Spell Cast Poorly Ch. 1 to 2

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Tabitha isn’t a very good witch. She also struggles to find a boyfriend. Her son, Bernard, has an even harder time with dating. One day, Tabitha has enough. She ignores the elders’ warnings and casts a very difficult spell. It does not go according to plan.

If you have an opinion on this illustrated story, please leave your feedback below. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations by JackTheMonkey: https://www.patreon.com/jackthemonkey

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This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Kuanyang

    I like this artist’s version the best… I really wish there were more to the story (text and illustrated). It ends on such a cliffhanger.

    1. Rawls

      It didn’t work out with this artist unfortunately.

  2. HeliasAlun2488

    I would like to see Bernard have sex & impregnate his mother’s but leader of her Witch Coven and that there be a prophecy

  3. Lobria

    is this continuing again because I love this short and would love to see more of it. Plus the illustrations at least to me where awesome.

    1. jackdamonkey

      Aw thanks! That’s kind of you!

  4. Anteater

    Chapter 2 was…interesting. I am guessing Tabitha is going to be Barry’s new lover.

  5. Holyx

    Rawly I hope you continue your partnership with Jackthmonkey after this story. He is a really good artist.

  6. John P

    Wow, Jack … incredible work. That 3-part illustration on page 3 is really creative, and you’ve captured her incredible body on pages 20 – 23. So many 3-D illustrations display wooden expressions, but you’ve captured her emotions very well. Hope to see you doing a lot more work with Rawly!

  7. Haight

    Love the outragoeus proportions he’s got by the end of this chapter. Good art!

  8. jackdamonkey

    Hey all! I just wanted to say hello! I’m excited about this story! I hope you all enjoy it as it unfolds. It’s gonna be fun! Feel free to chat me up. I welcome your thoughts!

  9. Anteater

    What happened to the original artist?

    1. Rawls

      They stopped returning my messages 🙂

  10. PuyBo

    I liked the old artist more but this is good

  11. Holyx

    I really like this artist. It 3d but it has flare to it that makes it not as plasticky. I hope we see more from this illustrator.