Elora’s Taste of Black Magic sketches are here

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Here are some sketches from the reboot of Elora’s Taste of Black Magic. The elf princess Elora is wounded by a cursed blade. She returns home and corruption surrounds her. Introducing a new illustrator whose art is perfect for this fantasy story, the fantastic CreamCadet.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects.

Illustrations by CreamCadet: https://twitter.com/creamcadet

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Simon S.

    A lot of the up coming sketches seem to have futa which isn’t for me but I’m sure others would enjoy. Also the upcoming artist/newer artists are great!

    1. Rawls

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the artists. I am too!

  2. ChromeDragon

    While Futa is not my thing, I love seeing the artists process and these sketches are different from other sketches I have seen. So this was nice to see a different colorized sketching process at work here.

    Good work Cream Cadet ! Looking forward to seeing the completed process.