Your favorite illustrator: May poll EDIT: POLL CLOSED

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Every month I’ll run a poll to gauge reader interest in various illustrated projects. This will help me allocate my resources as I make decisions about what series to continue. Your feedback is helpful and important!

Feel free to add comments below if you have opinions you’d like to share. The poll ends on the 17th.

Vote for your three favorite artists.

Poll Closed

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Simon S.

    JDseal is more dynamic and better at composition but yes does miss continuity in the story which can break verisimilitude. Disarten is simple and effective.

    Can polls be left up for more then a week or at least closer to the date of a new story being posted?

    1. Rawls

      Sure, I can leave these artist polls up longer. But I’m posting illustrated stories pretty much every week, so I can’t try and time it with the release of a particular story. If it helps, these polls will go up once a month. I do expect reader sentiment to change as different stories progress. Thank you for the feedback.

  2. pghcrew

    JDSeal does amazing work, but seems to miss some details about the characters. The characters generally overgo some physical change through the stories and it would seem they’re already that way when they draw.

    1. Old-school Perv

      I said something similar a while back. Every female looks the same. Pre-equipped with zeppelins no matter what the original description.