Mothership Wilderness Ch. 1 to 4

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In the future, brave souls will flee to the stars to escape religious persecution. An eighteen-year-old man is accidentally dosed with an experimental fertility drug at the beginning of his long trip through space. The corruption spreads aboard his colony ship.

This is the reboot version of this story since Redoxa could not continue.

If you have an opinion, please leave your feedback below. Your comments are helpful in navigating the course of future projects. This is the reboot of an earlier illustrated version.

Illustrations by Adun:

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4.7 out of 5 dark stones (based on 48 reviews)
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This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Lobria

    Hey Rawls. I wanted to say something on the art to this since looking at that last comment. I do agree with him but I do feel that this art is serviceable and could possibly be better we have seen it done before in the pass. However, I do think that when you are picking artist for your main series you need find people who are on par or at least close to the other artist or past artist. For example, Tender remaking mansion. His art now is better then jD’s and is on par with JD’s art that he is making. It’s great. But when you see this it’s below that and JD, Redoxa and the other’s you have right now doing your main novels. This can get better in the future, and I’m enjoying it for the most part but I wish that you had picked someone else or wait till they finished there short story or do a poll and see what we think first. Then again like you said many people seem to like this and I do but I feel it can be so much better. This definitely feels like a major downgrade from Redoxa kinda like not as bad with foxblack’s version of Palmer mansion.

  2. JohFam94

    While I understand the myriad of issues you have to navigate, I feel like MW is your flagship series and this new art (respectfully, with no ill wishes) is a downgrade. Maybe you could do sidestories or one offs until you find an ideal solution?

    1. Rawls

      Thank you for the feedback. I’m happy with these illustrations, and the feedback has been mostly positive. We’re going to move forward with Adun on this one.

    2. rayburger

      Agreed, the art was better in the other versions of this story. Adun’s colors are overdone, angles are basic, etc

    3. cmj15301

      I’ve been comparing the artwork side by side between the two versions. Honestly I like elements from both styles and find both hot for different reasons.

      I do find it distracting in the new version when the female characters don’t have eyes drawn in…I guess it’s some artistic style…but for erotic art, I feel it takes away from the excitement. Female eyes…during sex scenes…are a huge part of the fantasy.

  3. rtr9209

    Excellent as always. Looking forward to future chapters.

  4. Lobria

    You know I have to eat my words. Looking at the full work. I do like it. It’s good. This does look better then the superhero one he did before. Anyways, I will keep up with this one again. Good job.

  5. Osiris908

    Is Dr. Molly a different person from Redoxa? I assume so but why couldn’t Molly continue this series? Or have you approached Molly about doing other series? Assuming Molly’s work is similar to Redoxa, I would def want to see more of their work.

    1. Rawls

      Redoxa was very special in his ability to create new costumes and environments in 3D. This is a limitation for other 3D artists. Dr. Molly is not similar to Redoxa in this respect.

      1. djirp1987

        Rawls I don’t know if you contact artists or they contact you but there is a guy who goes by the name Jackerman who creates some pretty epic 3d artwork similar to Redoxa’s standard in my honest opinion…I don’t know if this is something you’d consider following up…just thought I’d put it out there.

        1. Rawls

          Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll keep it in mind.

          1. Lobria

            I agree he is really good. You should definitely look him up.

  6. bosterito1959

    Ok, I understand that this is a reboot after the tragic fate of Redoxa (May the Good Lord have his soul), so my question is: are you going to finish the story as you did in Literotica? (I follow your work fine work everywhere). And the second one is: are you going to make the chapters longer or keep the format to 16 pages?
    PD: I like so far the take on the bodies that Adun has done. They are more realistic than the previous work, the penis was so disproportionated before. I understand that this is a fiction work. Kudos!

    1. Rawls

      The chapters will stay the same length. The plan is to illustrate the whole story. I’m not sure why you mention Literotica rather than the complete story on my site.

  7. Jockster84

    Pretty good, so far…
    Love the RE-animation of Redoxa’s original artwork…
    I prefer 3-D artwork, but still… impressive!

  8. HeliasAlun2488

    Good Artwork & look forward to more But still miss the realism of original artwork

    1. Rawls

      I’m not sure what you’re asking. This is Chapter 1 of the reboot.

      1. Finster

        I think there was confusion because it already gotten reimagined from pegasusart.

      2. Jargonis

        i didn’t know the story about redoxa, I thought this was like the continuation lf the old series with a new artist.

        1. Rawls

          I see. No problem. Yes, we’re starting this one over.

  9. cmj15301

    Love this art work. Love this story. Can’t wait for more!!