Poll on what to do after Enki’s Puzzle ends. POLL CLOSED.

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I closed the poll early. After thinking about the comments and what I would like to do going forward, I decided to forgo the poll. I now know what I want to do. I’m going to go with option 2. That way I can keep the thread of the main novel week to week, and I’ll continue to write one or two short chapters a week for variety. Sorry to answer my own question, but I think this will be best for my writing process. 


Enki’s Puzzle will come to a conclusion sometime in the next couple months. I’m thinking about how to organize my weekly writing schedule when that happens. Based on a suggestion from Discord, I am going to offer three options. I’ll try to make this as simple as possible, but if you have any questions, I’ll respond to comments below. 

Option 1. No change option. I would start a new main novel in place of Enki and continue with the current schedule. That would give you one main novel chapter a week, alternating every two weeks. I would write short chapters when the previous illustrated chapters are complete.

 Option 2. I would only work on one main novel at a time, with a new chapter every week. For example, you would have a new chapter of Palmer Legacy every Friday. I would write short chapters when the previous illustrated chapters are complete.

Option 3. I would work on one main novel at a time, alternating two weeks on and two weeks off. In the “off” weeks, I would work on writing the short stories. If we went with this option, instead of a new novel in Enki’s place, I would write two chapters from a short story on those weeks. This method would see me complete the short stories much faster than the current method, with the text getting out ahead of the illustrations. 

TL/DR … Option 1, everything stays the same. Option two, mostly the same but only one main novel with a new chapter every week. Option 3, lots more text from the short stories, only one main novel. Poll expires in one week: 3/13/22,

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1094 days 21 hours left to vote
Should I change my release schedule after Enki?
209 votes · 213 answers

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