There will be a modest member price increase on September 15th.

  • Post author:

I appreciate the response I received to my July 23rd post on considering a price increase. I have listened to you, and thought about it, and come up with the following plan.

Starting September 15th, these will be the new prices: Basic to $7, Max to $12, Plus to $14, and Elite to $29. Your price will change whenever you renew after September 15th.

As I mentioned before, I haven’t raised prices since I started the site. The $10 Max level, which started in February 2021, would be $11.60 today if adjusted for inflation. Also, I’m offering a lot more than I used to back in 2021. I’m writing a ton and working with more regular collaborations than ever before.

I really appreciate all the support, and I look forward to bringing you lots more content. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. rtr9209

    Totally understand and I’m more than fine with the increase. Looking forward to more of your excellent work.

  2. big

    I’ve been here since you started this site. No complaints from me.

  3. nothingtoseehere

    No problems with my membership. Content remains good and the price increase feels very reasonable. Take care.

  4. rk24010

    Max tier sounds bigger than plus tier. It would make more sense if Plus was $12 and Max was $14.

    1. Rawls

      You are, of course, right about this 🙂 But it would be too confusing to change it now.

  5. BWayMarshall

    Those rates seem reasonable to me. Shouldn’t affect my subscription